The Inner Journey Retreat

Dates TBA

Essential to the success of your business, and something many entrepreneurs don’t take time for, is the ability to understand yourself. What drives you? What are your best strengths? Where do you struggle? How do you define your values apart from the training you’ve had in life? How do you run a sustainable business without killing yourself?

The Inner Journey will help walk you through these questions and give you tools to return to them again and again as you grow as a person and a business owner. 

For all participants in the entrepreneurship program, The Inner Journey Guide will be included. It's a personal guide through the materials, including reflection questions to simmer on.

Once a year, it will be offered as an in person retreat.

We’ll explore how to:

  • Identify what kind of an entrepreneur you are
  • Redefine your stories and claim responsibility for yourself
  • Claim your space (taking up space and giving yourself space.)
  • Manage your fear
  • Work with others from a place of health
  • Define values for yourself
  • Redefine wealth for yourself
  • Identify what is enough for you
  • Embody your vision

The In Person Retreat

Group Time

Each day we will have time as a group to learn, reflect, ask questions and share meals together.

Personal Time

Participants will also have personal time to relax, journal and do the class exercises.

The in person experience for the 2022 program will be held on Friday Dec 2 at 5 pm - Sunday Feb 4 at 1:00 pm. Friday evening will be a potluck and all additional meals will be provided.

Participants will also receive the Inner Journey Guide to use and refer to throughout the rest of the program.

The Venue

The spaces we'll inhabit are tucked onto a working farm in southeast Iowa. The farm serves as a campus for Land Alliance Folk School & Retreat Center which will host our meetings, meals and lodging.

The folk school is surrounded by yards and gardens, pastures and fields and provides both private nooks and space for long walks.

Additional lodging is offered in the farmhouse with a long history on the land.

For an experience closer to the land, two glamping sites are nestled into quiet corners of the yard, and tent sites abound.

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